So today I woke up and turned on the news and the weather man said something about there being snow on the ground and I just about choked on my cereal. Isn’t it spring time and isn’t summer coming pretty much tomorrow? The problem is I feel like that has been my mentality for the past month and unfortunately time and time again I have been disappointed. To my defense we have had some wonderfully amazing days that would lead you to believing summer is coming; but unfortunately the Tri-cities loves to be tricky and the next day it will be either raining, randomly snowing apparently, or my favorite looking beautiful but with a crazy horrible 70 mph wind!
Luckily though life has gone on and I have been able to do some pretty fun things over the past couple of the weeks.At the beginning of the month some friends and I traveled up to Spokane to go snow shoeing. Thanks to some wonderful amigas I was able to borrow some amazingly warm snow clothing (because of course I have still been in AZ mode and have basically nothing) and it was awesome! I never realized how beautiful the Spokane Mountains could be and how easy snow shoeing is even though ½ the time I felt like I walked like a penguin. There is something cool and peaceful about being in the mountains in the middle of winter with not very many people around and being able to walk through the deep snow. I’d defiantly do it again someday, good times.
After that adventure later on in the month I went to my first Pi day party (on 3/14/12 of course) and it was pretty darn cool. We had tons of pie and one of my friends was even cool enough to make a pi pie, it was good times and good pie
. That following weekend I also got to celebrate the anniversary of our “Crank it Slow” bike gang. This basically consists of a group of friends who get together and go for rides to diffe
rent places such as by the river, down random trails through the city, and even death rides out in Benton City! Anyway it’s a really fun group and this time we decided to take our ride on a path called the shelter belt by a high way which would usually be awesome. But unfortunately it was very windy that day and instead it ended up being a wind tunnel. This made things a little difficult going through it but boy was it an awesome ride going back! After that we had a fun bbq to celebrate complete with a green cake
. Then that night a group of us hiked badger mountain which I have never done before or really heard about (one of those things that I think developed when I was away from the TCs apparently) and it was an awesome hike with a beautiful view. Someday I will probably do that again as well, but maybe in the day time and before the snakes come out…
Anyways so back to my previous statement I cannot wait until summer! I think living in Arizona has made me a little impatient but I guess it could be worse, I could be in Montana or the Yukon.
you silly girl :) you are having lots of fun :)
ReplyDeleteThese look like incredible adventures! I am LOVING your "Crank It Slow" bike gang. That is an incredible idea. Keep up the fun and join us in AZ for even more fun very, very soon... ;) Love ya!!