Well all my blog supporting friends I suppose it is now time to add another blog to the adventures in the life of Michelle. Unfortunately things has not be as exciting as traveling to foreign countries and living on a big ship in the middle of the sea, but life has been adventuresome non the less. I am officially moved back home and after being in shock for the first couple of weeks I think I have finally settled in and am staring to enjoy my life on our happy little farm. Thinking back on where I was at this time last month its hard to believe I that I had just gotten home from my trip because it feels like it was an eternity ago. Since that time I have packed up, moved home, went to Deer lake with the family, found Crawford St, went to institute and got yet another confirmation that I am OLD, started a new job, went to the fair, heard the funniest chicken in the world cock-a-doodle-doo, joined a new ward, said good bye to our lovely cow shortcake (yes it was that time of the year…just my luck…sad day), visited Mt Rainier and Ohanapecosh and ate ding dongs, and saw my picture I pop up in all sorts of random places. So ya its been a busy month!
Dear lake was fun. We stayed at my uncles cabin on the lake and spent most of the time chillin, boating, and riding on the happy paddle boat. I tried kyacking as well but man those things are soo scary you feel like your always going to fall over. It was a fun week though and it was nice to have my whole family together.
When we got back to Deer lake a few days later me and my little brother Jonny and sister jenny and went to the fair and that was great! Our favorite barn was the rabbit, guinea pig, and chicken barn. My
sister loved the guinea pigs and I figured while I was there I might as well see the chickens and yes I was very entertained to say the least. After being disappointed that the Arizona fair last year replaced the chickens for pigeons I was happy to hear the clucking and see the happiness of them all. There was one chicken that cracked me up sooooo much, he was hilarious to look at but then he crowed and it sounded just like one of those classic “strong” roosters and it was sooo funny! ( I guess you had to be there). We also went to the rodeo which was fun even though we sat too far away to see the oh so sexie cowboys. It was nice to get back to my country roots, ha.
That next week I started work and that has been good. My office is soo nice and the Dr and NP are really good to work with which is nice. The only awkward thing is that I find my picture everywhere! Its all over my office, in random papers and magazines. I guess the clinic is trying to advertise new hours and I get to be the advertisement for it, I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing but I’m glad its at least a decent picture, ha. Its also been nice to be able to speak in English to most all my families and I couldn’t believe it the first time a mom offered to buy a mediation over the counter. But I will admit I do miss my cute little Hispanic families. We’ll see how I feel come winter time…
Over Labor day I also had a chance to go with the family and some friends up to the infamous Ohanabakosh to hike to silver falls and go see Mt. Rainer. After going all over the world and seeing all different cool places I forgot how beautiful Mt. Rainer and those areas are. Its amazing how sometimes some of the most beautiful things you have are often in your own back yard!
Anyways life is good and I am grateful that things ended up working out as well as it did. Life is defiantly not as hoppin as Arizona was and I miss it a lot, but I am happy here. It has been fun having my whole family here for a little while before my brother leaves on his mission. It is once again another confirmation that god is in charged and if you follow his will, then it will all work out :).
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